Morning routines are so powerful in setting you up for your day. By starting your day the way you want to, with your goals in mind, you can have a much more proactive day, rather than reactive.
You can't have a successful morning without some evening preparation. Space is also set aside for you to plan out your evening and set yourself up for a great morning.
I like to create a schedule that acts as a framework for my ideal morning. After reading many self help books, I've found that the best morning routine has some commonalities.
1. Silence - This can be anything from meditation, stretching, praying.
2. Affirmations - Affirmations can manifest your best life. You can use affirmations to almost trick your brain into a particular way of thinking that will help bring you what you desire. If you are stuck our journal has a monthly affirmation provided, but some other great manifestations to start out with are:
"Where I am in life is temporary, but at the same time exactly where I'm meant to be"
"I am deliberate and my actions lead to success"
"Today I'm putting my best foot forward"
"I refuse to judge others. If I had lived their life I might talk and act the same way"
"I look after my body and it looks after me"
"There are no limits to how much money I can earn, grow and save"
3. Exercise - When you get into the habit of consistently exercising every morning it changes your body and mind for the better. You are much less likely to be in the mood to exercise after a long and draining day. Put yourself and your wellbeing as a top priority and make it one of the first things you do each day.
4. Learn something new - I usually join my exercise and learning into one and go for a walk whilst listening to a podcast. Learning new things opens your mind to the world and new perspectives. It's an absolute game changer and you'll notice how much you grow as a person. Listening to an audiobook or a podcast is a really time efficient way to consume information. Alternatively you can start your day with a few pages from a book or begin an online course in something you've always been interested in. The possibilities are endless!
5. Write - Journalling is hugely beneficial for your mental wellbeing. There's something so therapeutic about writing down your thoughts and feelings. It's also so helpful to reflect back on these later on in life to see how you've grown! I usually spend a few minutes each morning journalling, as well as planning out the rest of the day so I can make the most out of it!
Some books that are sure to inspire you on your daily routine journey:
The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod
Atomic Habits - James Clear
The 5am Club - Robin Sharma